The ACT Alcohol and Other Drug Qualifications Strategy aims to ensure the development and maintenance of a competent and professional specialist workforce in the ACT. It also aims to ensure that all AOD workers in the ACT have a shared minimum knowledge and skill base.
The three main components of the Strategy are: the AOD Skill Set (AOD specialised units of the Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs), the Remaining Units (non-AOD content of the Certificate IV in AOD) and First Aid Training.
The Strategy has maintained a focus on the provision of education and training through AOD specialist industry providers. The training delivery also includes the provision of multiple student support days and information sessions for participants and managers.
Following the completion of the training, participants receive a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment. Training for the AOD Skill Set and the Remaining Units is coordinated by ATODA and fully subsidised for participating AOD workers.
Download the ACT AOD Qualification Strategy here.
In order to meet the Qualification Strategy requirements all specialist ACT AOD services (funded by ACT Health) will require relevant staff to successfully complete:
1. A qualification in AOD or addiction studies which is equivalent to, or above, the Australian Qualifications Framework Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs (CHC43215).
2. A health, social, or behavioural science related tertiary (university) qualification plus the ‘Alcohol and Other Drug Skill Set’:
CHCAOD001 Work in an AOD context
CHCAOD004 Assess the needs of clients with AOD issues
CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with AOD issues
CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual AOD treatment plans
3. A First Aid qualification equivalent to the following units:
HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID003 Provide first aid
Training for the non-AOD Units from the Certificate IV in AOD
Training for the non-AOD content from the Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) comprises core and elective units and only those workers in the specialist AOD sector that do not have existing health, social or behavioural science tertiary qualifications are required to undertake this training.
ATODA is providing full subsidies for relevant workers to undertake training for the non-AOD units from the Certificate IV in AOD. Training will be provided by the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT).
This training has been tailored to acknowledge ACT AOD workers existing experience therefore competencies will be delivered in clusters not as separate units. Consequently all participants will need to attend all days of training to be deemed competent.
Upon successful completion of this training, each worker will be provided with a nationally-recognised Statement of Attainment for each of the competencies completed and a testamur at completion of the qualification (i.e. when evidence of completion of the AOD Skill Set and First Aid Course is provided).
AOD Skill Set Course
The AOD Skill Set Course is comprised of four core, AOD specific, units from the Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drug Work. Upon successful completion of the AOD Skill Set, each worker will be provided with nationally-recognised Statements of Attainment.
Units are:
- CHCAOD001 Work in an AOD context
- CHCAOD004 Assess the needs of clients with AOD issues
- CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with AOD issues
- CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual AOD treatment plans
Training fees are fully subsidised by ATODA with funding from ACT Health.
AOD Skill Set Course 2024 enrolments
Enrolments are open for the AOD Skill Set running from March to June 2024. The AOD Skill Set is being offered to eligible workers in the ACT ATOD sector through TAFE NSW. Training will be held online over ten teaching weeks. For more information contact or to register your interest fill out the online expression of interest.